《高聚物生产技术》、《环境保护概论》、 《环境影响评价》等。
1. Z.Q. Liu, X.X. Zhang, Y.X. Zhang, R.J. Li, J.Z. Jiang, The molecular, electronic structures and vibrational spectra of metal-free, N,N’-dideuterio and magnesium tetra-2,3-pyridino-porphyrazines: Density functional calculations. Spectrochim. Acta Part A 65 (2006) 467–480. (SCI, EI) UT WOS:000240692400032 EI Accession number: 20063510095408
2. Z.Q. Liu, X.X. Zhang, Y.X. Zhang, J.Z. Jiang, The molecular, electronic structures and IR and Raman spectra of metal-free, N,N’-dideuterio, and magnesium tetra-2,3-pyrazino-porphyrazines: Density functional calculations, Vib. Spectrosc. 43 (2007) 447-459. (SCI, EI)
UT WOS:000244817100026 EI Accession number: 20070710423548
3. Z.Q. Liu, X.X. Zhang, Y.X. Zhang, J.Z. Jiang, Theoretical investigation of the molecular, electronic structures and vibrational spectra of a series of first transition metal phthalocyanines, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 67 (2007) 1232-1246. (SCI, EI) UT WOS:000248625200012 EI Accession number: 20072710695172
4. Z.Q. Liu, Z.-X. Chen, W. Ding, G.-J. Kang, Z. Li, A density functional study of pentacoordinated phosphorus species in ZSM zeolite, J. Mol. Strut. (Theochem.). 948 (2010) 99-101. (SCI) UT WOS: 000277870600017 COMPUT THEOR CHEM
5. Z.Q. Liu, Zhao-Xu Chen, B.B. Jing, X.X. Zhang, Theoretical studies on the structures and vibrational spectra of Ni, Pd, and Pt phthalocyanines, Vib. Spectrosc. 56 (2011) 210-218. (SCI, EI)
UT WOS: 000291516600015 EI Accession number: 20112013986875
6. Z.Q. Liu, Xianxi Zhang, Yuexing Zhang, Jianzhuang Jiang, The molecular, electronic structures and vibrational spectra of metal-free, N,N’-dideuterio and magnesium tetra-3,4-pyridino-porphyrazines: Density functional calculations, The 10th National Conference on Quantum Chemistry, May 30-June 2, 2008, Nanjing China, P183.
7. Z.Q. Liu, Zhao-Xu Chen, B.B. Jin, Density functional theory studies on the structures and vibrational spectroscopic characteristics of nickel, copper and zinc naphthalocyanines, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 217 (2019) 8-17.
8. Z.Q. Liu, Zhao-Xu Chen, B.B. Jin, Density functional theoretical studies on the structures and vibrational spectroscopic characteristics of Fe, Co and Ni naphthalocyanines. In Preparation.
9. Z.Q. Liu, B.B. Jin, Zhao-Xu Chen, Theoretical Analysis of the terahertz spectrum of adenosine. In Preparation.
10. X.X. Zhang, Z.Q. Liu, N, Sheng, J.Z. Jiang, Molecular structure, electronic structure and vibrational spectra of metal-free, N’N-dideuterio, and magnesium Tetrakis(thiadiazole)porphyrazines: Density functional calculations, J. Mol. Strut. (Theochem.) 755 (2005) 179-186. ( SCI ) UT WOS:000234399800023
1. 2006-2008, 可用作光生伏特太阳能电池侯选体的取代萘菁配合物分子功能材料的设计、合成与结构活性关系研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目。 (批准号20501011,25万)。
2. 2005-2008,大环配合物分子材料的设计制备和构效关系研究。 国家自然科学基金重点项目,(批准号20431010,200万)。
3. 2002-2004,手性及巨型三明治酞菁烯土配合物及其纳米材料的合成、结构和表征。国家自然科学基金面上项目,(批准号20171028,18万)。
4. 2004-2008,金属及金属氧化物组装修饰的多孔催化材料,科技部,973子课题(批准号2003CB615804,150万)。
5. 2010-2012,Pd/ZnO催化甲醇水蒸气重整制氢机理的理论研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目, (批准号 20973090, 32万元)。
6.2011-2013,超导氮化铌薄膜的太赫兹响应及其在人工电磁媒质中的应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目, (批准号 61071009, 35万元)。